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|-| Hémisphère |-|

Visual creation and scenography: Etienne Bernardot
Sound creation: Stéphane Bissières
Executive production: Crossed Lab
The public is invited to plunge their hands inside this hemisphere to generate images and sounds through the use of sensors.
The interaction is an integral part of this installation, in different forms. First a digital interaction through gestural capture, but also analog by the possibility given to the public to play with smoke, a spray of water, light.
Hemisphere is an organic, immersive experience. The sound is generated with the fingertips and images are created in the cauldron inside the hands, like a hologram, an illusion.
It is an experience to live from within by the "inter-actor", but also from the outside by the audience. Thus, each man - machine pair creates a different universe that is built and transformed into direct before our eyes. The computer has a free will allowing it to enter into a form of dialogue with the interactor. More than a means of control, it is a real interface of exchange between the man and the machine.